🌿Most people SUCK at it.

Newsletter #14

Estimated Reading time 1 minutes 57 seconds



There's not too many times you get a chance to make a “second” first impression

~ Jesse Palmer


Cold DMing works. I'm proof of it—I got my last two jobs through cold DMing. But most people suck at it.

They often write a template note, such as:

“Hi, I am looking for roles at your XYZ company. Can you refer me?”

This strategy doesn't work because most people don’t care what you do—


They care about what you can do for them.

You can stand out by focusing on ONE single thing:


In today’s newsletter, I want to share tips on how to reach out to someone in a way that makes them want to respond to you.

You know that age-old saying: “Your first impression is the best impression.” This is especially true when DMing someone.

Think about the last time you reached out to someone in person and started a conversation.

It seems weird to think about because the pandemic really stopped us from making in-person connections.

Let me share an example. I started a conversation in the lunchroom at my office. It went something like this:

“Hey, that’s a nice lunchbox.”

This led to her describing how she chose a lunchbox that wasn’t too big or too small for her needs. The point is, the next time I met her, I had an “in” to continue the conversation.

Why am I sharing this with you?

The same strategy applies online. Reach out about something that might interest them.

Here are three tips on how to write a good DM:

  • Get a very low-stakes “in” to the conversation.

  • Explain how this connection is mutually beneficial.

  • Share a little about yourself.

Here’s an example of someone who reached out to me recently that covers all of these bases:

Apply these simple strategies to craft a compelling DM that drives results.


I have a small announcement!

I am giving away 2 FREE Coaching Sessions of 45 minutes to clients.

Who should consider applying for these sessions:

- Sick of your current role
- Don’t know how to network
- Struggling to STAND out
- Would love to learn about leadership strategies

Hit reply to this email with “FREE” to unlock your spot.



Think of a person you want to reach out to. What recent work of theirs can you mention in your message?

♟️ My own response to the Prompt:

I would love to reach out to Justin Welsh. His newsletter on how to effectively reply to people’s posts has been a game-changer for me.

I would write something like this:

Hi Justin,

Your passion for entrepreneurship shines through in every piece of content you create. I’m particularly indebted to your newsletter tip on how to drop a “$1.80” tip on posts.

Keep up the great work!



P.S. I love that having a newsletter pushes me to take action. I just sent this email to him and will keep you all posted if I get a reply.

♟️ Your Turn

I hope today’s newsletter served you with some insight.

If you have feedback, please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. It helps me grow.

Got suggestions for topics? Hit reply and let me know.

Stay Cute and intentional,

Clerisa Varghese

P.P.S if you enjoyed this newsletter, forward it to a friend.

If you’re that AMAZING friend,