🌿 Don't make my MISTAKE

Newsletter #12

Estimated Reading time 1 minutes 56 seconds


If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

~ Milton Berle

Hey folks,

I want to apologize for a technical issue with my last newsletter. Some of you received it, but others didn't.

So, you will receive two emails with newsletter #12 Don’t make my mistake.


#13 Don’t make my mistake pt.2

This is newsletter #12.

Tomorrow at 11:11 AM (EST) you will receive the newsletter #13. Thanks for being patient and understanding.


Let’s go!

I did the same mistake.

I mindlessly applied to different jobs on Indeed.

The process drained my energy. It made me doubt my abilities.

My input to output ratio was 0.

Most people, including me, look at the problem of finding job as I described before.

Why be MOST people, when you CAN be DIFFERENT?

If I were to start looking for a job, I would follow these steps:

Step 1: Research Top Companies

  • Make an excel list of the Top 15 companies I want to work for.

  • Add their career website URLs for reference.

Step 2: Check for Job Openings

  • Verify if the companies have openings in my area of interest.

  • Make a weekly time-block to check if there are new postings I am interested in.

  • Apply to suitable positions.

Step 3: Utilize LinkedIn Premium

  • Buy LinkedIn premium to access more features.

  • Identify managers and team members in relevant roles.

Step 4: Reach Out

  • Send a personalized message to potential contacts:

  • "Hey, I saw that you work in TA at AMD. I am passionate about the field. Would you be open to a coffee chat to discuss your day-to-day?"

Step 5: Scout for their official Email ID

  • Usually it is a combination of a first and last name. It is followed by @companyname.com.

Step 6: Send Personalized Emails

  • Once you get official email IDs, send custom emails.

  • Such as the one I sent to my latest team-lead:

Step 7: Followup

  • If you do not hear back, send a followup.

  • Such as the one I sent: 

In the next newsletter, I will reveal tips on how to make a cover letter that makes the reader go crazy. Are you ready to jumpstart your career? 


Do you think you need a little more guidance on how to get started?

Consider buying my package. It includes a review of your LinkedIn, cover letter, and resume.

What to expect in the package:

  • LinkedIn review to help you stand out

  • Cover letter ideation and guidance to help write it out

  • Resume review and suggestions to improvise

Hit reply to this email to sign up for details.

First 10 respondents to get a 10% off.


Imagine you are the interviewer for the job you are applying to. What qualities will you look for in a potential candidate?

♟️ My own response to the Prompt:

I would look for a candidate who can demonstrate:

  • Ability to articulate thoughts well

  • Pitch the company to job seekers effectively.

  • Proactive in taking on initiatives

Keep your pointers handy for the next newsletter. This will guide us on how to make a kickass cover letter.

♟️ Your Turn

I hope today’s newsletter served you with some insight.

If you have feedback, please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. It helps me grow.

Got suggestions for topics? Hit reply and let me know.

Stay Cute and intentional,

Clerisa Varghese

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