🌿 Don't make my MISTAKE pt.2

Newsletter #13

Estimated Reading time 1 minutes 58 seconds



Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?

~ Dr. Seuss


Hey folks,

My last newsletter had some technical glitch. So, you will receive two emails with newsletter #12 Don’t make my mistake.


#13 Don’t make my mistake pt.2

In my last newsletter I promised to share actionable steps. Steps to make coverletter. Check the previous newsletter for job application tactics first.

Let’s get going.

 đź¤” Why a Cover Letter Matters

Here’s my elevator pitch on why a cover letter makes a difference and why we should all create one:

  • This is your chance to highlight non-work skills.

  • Shows your personality.

  • Great conversation starters during an interview.

Here’s how I approach writing Cover letter:

Interviewers and recruiters already have my resume, hence I tend to not copy my resume.

Pause: In the last newsletter, I asked you to think about being the interviewer for the role you want.

What kind of skill sets would you need to have in a candidate to be successful?

I can share my example:

If I were to hire a Campus Recruiter, I'd want them to:

  • Effectively communicate

  • Show interest in taking initiatives

With these points in mind, I would tailor my pointers in the Cover Letter to highlight them.

I would use 3 or fewer bullet points. More than three is an infomation overload.

Here is what I would include to give a wholesome overview of myself:

  1. Passion projects

  2. Volunteering experience with non-profits.

  3. Work-related impact that I’ve created in the past.

I would find a way to weave in the skills I want the candidate to have in the bullet points.

A tip I wish I had when I started writing cover letter is:

Writing college assignments is pointless unless I did something REALLy interesting and cool.

Lastly, I leave you with two sneaky TIPs:

  1. Google the company's brand colours. Change the colours in your cover letter to match them.

  2. Highlight the content that may interest your interviewer.


Do you think you need a little more guidance on how to get started?

Consider buying my package. It includes a review of your LinkedIn, cover letter, and resume.

What to expect in the package:

  • LinkedIn review to help you stand out

  • Cover letter ideation and guidance to help write it out

  • Resume review and suggestions to improvise

Hit reply to this email to sign up for details.

First 10 respondents to get a 10% off.



Other than the hard skills, what is it that you bring to the table that sets you apart?

♟️ My own response to the Prompt:

I bring a wonderful gift. I am professional. At the same time, I form deep connections in every interaction.

I am indebted to my mum, who has lived this value all her life as a teacher in a small town in Mumbai, India.

She treats everyone with the same care and curiosity. This is true whether you are a rich kid’s parent or any school staff.

This prompt is here to assist you in reflecting.

Use your important soft skills to guide you as you prepare for your interview.

♟️ Your Turn

I hope today’s newsletter served you with some insight.

If you have feedback, please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. It helps me grow.

Got suggestions for topics? Hit reply and let me know.

Stay Cute and intentional,

Clerisa Varghese

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