🌿 I wonder why I love the things I build?

Newsletter #11

By Clerisa Varghese

Estimated Reading time 2 minutes 5 seconds


It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.

~ Napolean Hill


Today at a glance. Made by using Canva

Growing up during summer vacations, I would spend time with my grandma.

Dot at 12:30 PM every weekday, I would religiously wait near radio for a show to start. Not just any show, the show where you can call and request a Malayalam song.

Why am I telling you this?

Because that strategy my friend is IKEA effect.

The IKEA effect is a cognitive bias. It helps explain why people value things they helped to build.

I along with 300 other people were helping them build their show.

The IKEA effect is widespread in our lives. For instance:

  • Parents love their kids, and it's evident in the effort they put into raising them.

  • Meal kit services, like HelloFresh, make us feel like chefs in our own kitchens.

  • DIY crafts, such as paint by numbers or macrame, show our pride in creating things.

Suggestions for applying the IKEA effect in different aspects of life:

  • Boosting engagement in campaigns:

For instance, when we welcome new employees at work, we can keep up excitement. We can do this by having a LinkedIn contest. Participants who receive the most engagement on their posts will be rewarded.

  • Utilizing this approach in conversations:

Leaders and individuals alike can use the same tactic. They can ask others for their thoughts on what to do next. This simple act can enhance the perceived value of the solutions they propose.


Reflect on a time when you created something…

What are some notable characteristics of the process of that creation?

How can you apply those characteristics in a new project/aspect of life?

♟️ My own response to the Prompt:

In May 2021, I had an epiphany. I wanted to create a podcast called “Aage Kya Karne Ka” (What to do further). In it, I speak to people who graduated college. I ask them about what they were up to and how they ended up in the field.

Screenshot of my podcast

The notable characteristics of that creation process were:

  1. It was my brainchild - I had complete OWNERSHIP.

  2. It gave me a chance to talk to people. I love the energy of talking with people about interesting topics.

  3. It was an awesome time to bond with my brother in whose studio I would do the recording.

I would apply those characteristics:

Start a project where I have complete ownership - I design the idea, I design the frequency, etc.

Engage in something with other people. I am like a Golden Retriever puppy. Most people do not drain me. They fuel my excitement and energy.

Create a project that allows for bonding with a buddy. Memories are best enjoyed when shared with people.

This prompt is intended to propel you towards your passion project.

♟️ Your Turn

I hope today’s newsletter served you with some insight.

If you have feedback, please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. It helps me grow.

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Stay Cute and intentional,

Clerisa Varghese

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