🌿 Just Do It? Yes!

Newsletter #10

By Clerisa Varghese

Estimated Reading time 2 minutes 4 seconds


Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits.

Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits.

Your weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits.

Your knowledge is a lagging measure of your learning habits.

You get what you repeat.

~ James Clear


Today at a glance visual format.

Why do so many successful people talk about discipline?

Because it's a big deal and can really make a difference.

For instance, right now, I'm excited to share that I've just sent out my 10th newsletter.

You know what that means?

It means I've hit that "publish" button 10 times every other Friday.

Even if I didn't always feel great about my writing.

Here are two things that have helped me build discipline, and I hope they can help you too:

#1. Don’t be “THAT” friend

Think about that friend who always cancels plans at the last minute.

Don’t be that friend to yourself

If you keep breaking promises to yourself, like skipping the gym or not finishing your school assignment, your mind won't take those promises seriously.

That idea scares me.

If I don't send out my newsletter every other Friday, I worry that I'll start slacking off and my subconscious stops taking me seriously.

#2. Minimize decision making fatigue (DMF)

Let's look at Mark Zuckerberg for a sec.

Can you find the common denominator in most of these pictures?

Notice he wears the same grey shirt a lot?

He does it to stay focused on one thing: growing Facebook.

He doesn't want to waste time picking out clothes in the morning.

For me, it's hitting "publish" every other Friday, rain or shine.

Even if I'm not feeling inspired or satisfied with my work, I stick to my schedule.

Ponder Corner: Do you have ways to make decision-making easier in your life?

Do you catch yourself scrolling through Instagram longer than planned?

Set a time limit—like no phone after 10:45 PM.

I’d be a liar if I didn’t shed some light on my struggles. My struggle is to create good time blocks for writing the newsletter.

It’s scattered to whenever I make time before the Friday comes.

But I'm aiming to plan better and stick to a schedule. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying.



If someone watched you for a week, what would you want them to see you're consistent with?

♟️ My own response to the Prompt:

  1. Exercise

  2. Reading the Bible

I'd want them to see how committed I am to both my physical and mental well-being through my workouts.

And, pushing through that last rep feels amazing - such an ego boost.

Reading the Bible is important to me. It keeps me connected to my family, as we have a tradition of reading and praying together.

It's a meditative time for me to be thankful for all that I have in my life.

This prompt helps you figure out what you want to be disciplined about and offers some tips to help you get there.

♟️ Your Turn

I hope today’s newsletter served you with some insight.

If you have feedback, please hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. It helps me grow.

Got suggestions for topics? Hit reply and let me know.

Stay Cute and intentional,

Clerisa Varghese

P.S if you enjoyed this newsletter, forward it to a friend.

If you’re that AMAZING friend,