Yay! Newsletter #1

Why do so many options confuse us?

1. Quote

“You will get there.

For now, you grind.

It will pay off.

Either in what you build or who you become along the way.”

- Alex Hormozi on X

2. Learning

Have you ever found yourself faced with too many options?

Does arriving at a decision start to feel like a task?

Sometimes, the choices might be seemingly unimportant, like when your partner asks, "What would you like to eat tonight?"

Why is it that we often respond with "you decide"?

Chris Williamson superbly explores the Paradox of Choice, arguing that if it's not a resounding "Hell Yeah," then it's a "No."

Take a moment to evaluate those instances where you tend to outsource decision-making.

When you catch yourself about to do so, take a breath:

1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi...

"What would you like to eat?"

"Yes, I would love some sushi tonight."

"What would you like to watch?"

"Yes, let's watch The Office tonight."

Be the owner of your decisions. Stop outsourcing them.

Consider the ramifications when faced with more significant challenges and questions—you might find yourself always looking to outsource decisions.

3. Prompt

"If there's only one thing you could be known for in the world, what would it be and why?"